
Welcome to this warm and fuzzy page!

This year, Blue Lines is supporting three good causes. Help us give by voting for one of the three projects below. Our donations will be based on the number of votes.

Goed doel Go Forest

Plant oxygen with Go Forest

Go Forest aims to inspire and motivate people and companies to act for the future. How? By planting trees in areas where they’re most needed and where they have the greatest impact.

Goed doel Littekens

Help youngsters find the way with Littekens

Young people’s lives don’t always go as planned. Sometimes everything seems to be going wrong and they just can’t deal with it anymore. Littekens is a community of young people who inspire each other to be themselves. A place to get their lives back on track.

Goed doel

Give orphans in Kinshasa a home with NGO SECAM

NGO SECAM takes in children who live in difficult circumstances and gives them the basics they need to grow: food, education, medical care and a home.

Whatever you choose, your vote will be well spent!

Take your pick(Required)