From Yellow Pages to golden copy

A company or organisation without a website: that’s hard to imagine these days, which may seem like a good thing. But are all those websites really that great? The unfortunate answer is no: in reality, many are little more than glorified online business cards. They are static and unchanging, like an entry in the good ol’ paper version of the Yellow Pages.

A valuable lead generator

And that’s a pity. Because with the right approach, you could turn your website into a powerful lead generator. Sure, a snazzy design doesn’t hurt. But let’s not fool ourselves: content is what really matters. Which makes sense, really. Just like when you get a gift: it’s what’s inside that matters. Nobody wants a pretty box that turns out to be empty. (Although we suppose you could use it as a wastepaper basket so you’d have somewhere to dump your old copy of the Yellow Pages…)

SEO analysis: identify the keywords that open doors online

It’s a fact: content is king. Smartly crafted content draws visitors to your website and convinces them to spend time looking around. To achieve this, search engine optimisation (or SEO for short) is of vital importance. Thorough SEO analysis and choosing the keywords that are most relevant for you will make or break your website. Our advice: ask an expert for help. Not sure who to turn to? Feel free to ask us for recommendations!

SEO copywriting

Once you’ve done your SEO research, it’s time to bring in an SEO copywriter. They’ll determine the success of your website. So select your copywriter with care! Nothing is more irritating than stilted content that has you tripping over clumsily inserted keywords. Above all, your web content should engage, inform and seduce. Of course, those keywords should still be in there somewhere. Inserting them imperceptibly into your content is exactly what talented SEO copywriters excel at. They cunningly weave keywords into captivating copy that catches visitors’ attention and leaves them eager for more.

Language barriers: one SEO translation, coming right up!

What if you’re doing well in your own language area, but you’d like to break into new markets? Great plan! All you need now are skilled SEO translators. They’ll translate your web content and incorporate keywords into your texts in such a natural way that website visitors will hardly even notice they’re reading a translation. In short: a proper SEO translation assures your success across the borders of language.


Want to discover exactly what we can do for you in terms of SEO copywriting or SEO translation? Send us an e-mail or give us a ring. We’ll be happy to tell you more!

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