Content creation in 7 languages? Challenge accepted!
When it comes to storage solutions, Shurgard is top of mind right across Europe. How could it not be, with more than 200 storage facilities spread over 7 countries and a very strong communication policy?
Since 2016 Blue Lines has been translating a wide range of content into Swedish, Danish, German, French, English, Dutch for Belgium and Dutch for the Netherlands.
Translation memory: a must for Shurgard
Terminology is invariably part of Shurgard’s brand identity. To ensure the necessary consistency, we use a translation memory for each language combination. The result is clear communication across the board, and it often means we can give hefty discounts on new translation jobs as well.
What content services we provide for Shurgard
- SEO translation for web pages, landing pages, case studies and blog posts
- Translation of social media ad campaigns and content
- Translation for emailing and direct mailing
- Translation of app content
- Copywriting store pages in Dutch, French, English, German, Swedish and Danish
What does the customer say?
Quite apart from the quality, you also excel when it comes to punctuality and reliability. Every time we collaborate, we feel that we’re in safe hands. Each project is closely monitored and delivered promptly, and Blue Lines really does take feedback into account, both during and after projects.